Imbibe will be closed on October 3, 4, 17, 18, 25, and 26. Please expect delays in responses during this time.

Pour Me a Glass: RTD Beverage Global Trends

At Flavorcon 2017, trends and perspective on RTD beverages were among the main topics discussed during the 2.5-day event.

Flavor experts and market researcher examined the RTD beverage market, citing its struggles, trends and areas of growth. Though each presenter brought their unique perspective, common topics such as health in beverages, global economic shifts and beverage flavors were discussed.

“Consumers are demanding products that really help address all their health and wellness needs, while on the go,” said Ilana Orlofsky, marketing manager for Imbibe. “Convenience is really the number one driver.”

Check out the full article in Perfumer & Flavorist.

Keep Reading:

Bergamot: A Versatile Citrus Revolutionizing Sweet Flavor Innovation

Bergamot continues to catch consumer attention, especially for its role in Earl Grey, which has experienced 11% search growth on Google in the past year.
non-alcohol spirits

Navigating the Non-Alcoholic Spirits Landscape: A Guide for Product Developers

If you're looking for guidance on formulating in the non-alcoholic space, Imbibe's product development team is on standby. With or without the burn, these products are fire.

Flavor Drop: Fruit Punch & Watermelon

Watermelon flavor has many characteristics including candied, ripe, green, or juicy, and Imbibe can help select or design the one best suited for your product.