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Hyper-personalized Beverages

Health and wellness was one of the top trends driving new product innovation in 2017. Sugar reduction, functional health benefits and sustainability also had a strong influence on new food and beverage launches. Next year, 2018, won’t be drastically different. Instead, these movements will become more mature and specialized—and inspire beverages that are hyper-personalized to give consumers a range of options.

Here are some of the most pervasive beverage trends to look for in 2018.

Sparkling alternatives and nitrogen-infused expand into new beverages categories. Consumers are drinking fewer traditional carbonated soft drinks, and are turning to sparkling waters, juices and less traditional carbonated beverages as better-for-you alternatives. Although positioned as more “clean label,” these products represent a diverse offering and may or may not contain calories, sweetener, color or preservatives. Another up-and-coming textural component is nitrogen infusions, which add a creamy complexity and foamy headspace. Nitrogen infusions started in coffee and beer, but will expand into new arenas like tea, protein waters and juice.

Read the full story on Prepared Foods.

Keep Reading:

Bergamot: A Versatile Citrus Revolutionizing Sweet Flavor Innovation

Bergamot continues to catch consumer attention, especially for its role in Earl Grey, which has experienced 11% search growth on Google in the past year.
non-alcohol spirits

Navigating the Non-Alcoholic Spirits Landscape: A Guide for Product Developers

If you're looking for guidance on formulating in the non-alcoholic space, Imbibe's product development team is on standby. With or without the burn, these products are fire.

Flavor Drop: Fruit Punch & Watermelon

Watermelon flavor has many characteristics including candied, ripe, green, or juicy, and Imbibe can help select or design the one best suited for your product.