Botanical Trend Continues to Blossom

Botanical flavors are popping up in products from coffee to Slurpees. Driving the trend is consumer demand for healthy, natural and functional ingredients as well as receptiveness to [...]

Curcumin Spicing Up Food and Beverage

Many supermarket aisles include products with turmeric on their ingredient statements. Turmeric has been used as a natural coloring agent for some time in the food and beverage industry, but with [...]

Natural, flavorful botanicals create appetite for superfruits

The term “superfood” has been bandied about the beverage industry in reference to products containing nutrient-rich fruits like blueberries, pomegranate and cranberry, which increasingly have [...]

Botanicals gain favor for clean label, functional benefits

“Botanicals will continue to make their way into even more beverage categories,” says Ilana Orlofsky, marketing coordinator at Imbibe, Niles, Ill. “Tea and coffee, especially, will act as [...]

7 of the hottest trends in functional food and beverage right now

Probiotics: The trend started in yogurt and kefir but has extended into food, beverage, and even condiments. Dairy, chocolate and sugar are now fortified with probiotics. Market examples: Sugar [...]

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