Imbibe will be closed on October 3, 4, 17, 18, 25, and 26. Please expect delays in responses during this time.

Flavors Fueled by
Product Development

Flavor Innovation

Imbibe flavorists work alongside product developers and taste modulation scientists to ensure that the flavors they conceive and design perform as expected in their intended application.

Imbibe Flavor Territories

These territories serve as a general guide. Flavor categorization may vary, and we are flexible in accommodating diverse preferences and customizing flavors to meet your needs.


Indulgent, Sweet

Floral, Botanical, Earthy, Herbal

Nostalgic, Fantasy

Global, Experiential


Imbibe flavors are available as:
Oil & Water Soluble

100+ years of flavor experience.

Access more than twenty thousand flavors.

Learn to talk the talk with our flavor wheels. Get to the finish line faster with a standardized flavor lexicon.

Get thoughtfully curated and strategic flavor recommendations.

Stay ahead of the curve with ongoing collaboration.

Trust in our quality leadership for peace of mind.

All Standard Declarations
and Certifications, Plus...