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Organic beverage formulation in the age of COVID-19

The organic beverage category continues to diversify and shows few signs of decelerating even as the marketplace changes as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Nutrition Business Journal reported that 12% of organic food sales in 2019 came from beverages.

Past growth projections may be less likely to prove accurate as the market moves into unknown territory as a result of the impact of COVID-19 on the economy. However, with consumer insecurities rising as a result of the public health crisis, organic beverages likely will remain affordable luxuries consumers purchase as an investment in their well-being…

Organic beverage formulators should maintain perspective that even before COVID-19, there always have been uncertainties with organic ingredient sourcing. a particular challenge for juice products,“There are several factors that make sourcing organic ingredients challenging,” said Ilana Orlofsky, marketing manager, Imbibe, Niles, Ill. “First and foremost, there simply might not be a crop available in the quantity that brands demand. In addition, crops vary season to season and year to year. Taste profiles may differ, which makes it harder to create a standardized, uniform product.”
Read the full article in Food Business News.
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