Imbibe will be closed on October 3, 4, 17, 18, 25, and 26. Please expect delays in responses during this time.

Juice Drinks by Imbibe

The decision to use fruit juice in a beverage creates complexity that requires specific expertise to manage. How much juice can be used and still cold fill? What label claims can be made once juice is added? How can juice be used to add marketing value yet still maintain reasonable costs? How can products be developed that always taste the same despite seasonal variations inherent in the juice? When working with juice, brand owners need to be certain that their development partner has the experience and skill sets necessary to address these myriad questions posed.

Imbibe’s developers work hand-in-hand with our microbiological experts to unit formulation with processing requirements, determining the steps necessary to enhance shelf life and ensure product quality. Our flavor chemists develop systems to work with specific juices in order to provide year-round flavor consistency and account for any seasonal variation that is inherent in these agricultural commodities. Our regulatory staff work with or customers to evaluate desired label claims and manage compliance to FDA requirements. Imbibe is really the single source for juice drink development, from flavor creation to finished product commercialization.

Read on about some of the control brand juice drinks we’ve created, and then ask us about what we can do for you!

  • GoJuGojuBoth
    – GoJu is a specifically balanced combination of superfruit juices – noni and goji berry – plus organic agave nectar and natural fruit essences. The addition of ginger, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper give GoJu a taste unlike any other.
    – GoJu is also special in that it can enhance the body’s natural purification processes that help with immune support, detoxification, and anti-aging, through its targeted blend of flavonoids, anthocyanins, and all-natural antioxidants.


  • ArteasiaArteasiaFamily
    – Arteasia mixes white, green and black teas with a variety of fruit juices to produce delicious blends that will appeal to both traditional iced tea drinkers and those a little bit less inclined. Each drink has a subtle sweetness, a clean finish, and most importantly, a refreshing, delicious taste. Arteasia is available in white tea pomegranate, green tea citrus, and black tea peach flavors. The Naturals line is available in hibiscus cranberry, mint lime tea, and ginger lemongrass.
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Where Does Blue Raspberry Flavor Come From? Imbibe Scientist Explains!

There are lots of foods that are blue-raspberry flavored, like candy, popsicles, or fizzy drinks. But there’s no such thing as a blue raspberry…so where does that flavor come from? We asked Imbibe food scientist Adam Johnson.