Original functional beverages coffee and tea keep getting better

It’s easy to think of functional beverages as a 21st century craze. And it’s certainly true that over the last decade or so, beverages that promise something beyond hydration have proliferated [...]

Webinar: Imbibe’s Top 5 Beverage Trend Predictions for 2021

Join us for a webinar on Imbibe’s top 5 beverage trend predictions for 2021! The New Year is around the corner and we are excited to share our top U.S. trend predictions for 2021! As [...]

Five Beverage Trends We’ll See in 2021: Imbibe’s Predictions

2020 has been defined by coronavirus: which has changed the way we shop, socialize, entertain and more. And it will continue to be the biggest driver of food and beverage trends next year, [...]

Beverage Packaging Trends at a Crossroads

“Paper or plastic?” This is no longer a question only asked by supermarket cashiers. Consumers of beverages from The Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, may soon offer the same option, as the [...]

Imbibe Releases 2021 Beverage Trend Predictions

Imbibe, an industry-leading beverage development company, revealed their top five U.S. beverage trend predictions for 2021. Over the past nine months, coronavirus has changed the way consumers [...]