Imbibe will be closed on October 3, 4, 17, 18, 25, and 26. Please expect delays in responses during this time.

Foodnavigator-USA’s Beverage Trends Webinar, A 2020 Vision: Plant-based, CBD Curious, and Clean Energy

From plant-based dairy alternatives and the rise of oatmilk, to CBD-infused beverages and clean energy sources… what are the most bankable, and drinkable, beverage trends impacting the market?

Marketing Associate Holly McHugh will be joining FoodNavigator-USA on March 19th in a panel discussion about 2020 Beverage Trends during a free 60-minute webinar. We will dive into the emerging beverage categories, the innovation driving these trends, and what consumers are demanding out of their beverages.

During the webinar we’ll cover:

  • What are consumers demanding out of a functional beverage – energy, focus, hydration?
  • How fast is the plant-based dairy alternatives category growing? Can oat milk be as big as almond milk? Will this category turn more functional as time goes on?
  • Where does the market for CBD-infused beverages stand? Who is the target consumer and why are they seeking out drinks containing CBD?
  • What innovations are proving successful within the conventional dairy drinks category?

Register today!

Keep Reading:

Flavor Drop of Love: Red Velvet & White Chocolate Raspberry

Featuring Red Velvet and White Chocolate Raspberry flavors because love is in the air!

Bergamot: A Versatile Citrus Revolutionizing Sweet Flavor Innovation

Bergamot continues to catch consumer attention, especially for its role in Earl Grey, which has experienced 11% search growth on Google in the past year.
non-alcohol spirits

Navigating the Non-Alcoholic Spirits Landscape: A Guide for Product Developers

If you're looking for guidance on formulating in the non-alcoholic space, Imbibe's product development team is on standby. With or without the burn, these products are fire.