Imbibe will be closed on October 3, 4, 17, 18, 25, and 26. Please expect delays in responses during this time.

Beverage Acronyms You NTK (Need to Know)

Each industry has its own language, partially defined by the abbreviations used throughout meetings, conferences, collaborations and industry publications. Exposure to industry specific terms may vary depending on department and job function, so we thought it would be helpful to put together a guide of some of the most common acronyms in our industry. Here is a resource with acronyms that all food and beverage industry professionals should know:

Acronym Meaning
BOH Back of House
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CSD Carbonated Soft Drink
FAB Food and Beverage
FD&C United States Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
FEMA Flavor and Extract Manufacturer’s Association
FMP Flavor Modulating Properties
GRAS Generally Recognized As Safe
HTST Hot Temperature Short Time (treatment method for processing)
LRB Liquid Refreshment Beverage
QSR Quick Service Restaurant
RACC Reference Amount Customarily Consumed
RTD Ready to Drink
UHT Ultra High Temp (treatment method for processing)


Have any other favorite acronyms? Email us at with your FAB related acronyms, or to talk about your next beverage project.

Keep Reading:

Bergamot: A Versatile Citrus Revolutionizing Sweet Flavor Innovation

Bergamot continues to catch consumer attention, especially for its role in Earl Grey, which has experienced 11% search growth on Google in the past year.
non-alcohol spirits

Navigating the Non-Alcoholic Spirits Landscape: A Guide for Product Developers

If you're looking for guidance on formulating in the non-alcoholic space, Imbibe's product development team is on standby. With or without the burn, these products are fire.

Flavor Drop: Fruit Punch & Watermelon

Watermelon flavor has many characteristics including candied, ripe, green, or juicy, and Imbibe can help select or design the one best suited for your product.