Imbibe will be closed on October 3, 4, 17, 18, 25, and 26. Please expect delays in responses during this time.

A Unique Office Space Encourages Collaboration, Productivity and Creativity

At Imbibe, aside from developing compelling and on-trend custom beverage flavors, one of our biggest successes in creating our 40,000 sq. ft. Beverage Innovation Center is that it doesn’t really feel like an office at all. Visitors have likened our office space to Google, calling it the “Google of Beverage.” We intentionally created a very open space. Walls are replaced by windows or more open space. The added brightness and openness from the skylights promotes a collaborative and creative environment.

Being able to see what other teams are working on while walking around the building helps inspire innovation, questions, and often new initiatives.

We also wanted employees to have access to the beverages that our R&D team creates, and our custom beverage bar, ReBar, is the perfect place for employees to connect, brainstorm, and partake in some experiential learning by tasting the innovative products our scientists develop. It may not feel like an office, but we still manage to be incredibly productive – the sparkling coffee and energy drinks available at ReBar definitely assist with that.

Additionally, because every work space needs a place for employees to decompress or unwind, we have a ping pong table and corn holes (or bags) available.reef








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Flavor Drop of Love: Red Velvet & White Chocolate Raspberry

Featuring Red Velvet and White Chocolate Raspberry flavors because love is in the air!

Bergamot: A Versatile Citrus Revolutionizing Sweet Flavor Innovation

Bergamot continues to catch consumer attention, especially for its role in Earl Grey, which has experienced 11% search growth on Google in the past year.
non-alcohol spirits

Navigating the Non-Alcoholic Spirits Landscape: A Guide for Product Developers

If you're looking for guidance on formulating in the non-alcoholic space, Imbibe's product development team is on standby. With or without the burn, these products are fire.