Imbibe will be closed on October 3, 4, 17, 18, 25, and 26. Please expect delays in responses during this time.

How Imbibe Keeps Up a 95% Successful Delivery Rate

ssAs a team that does a lot of the behind-the-scenes work, Customer Service touches every shipment that travels out of Imbibe – including every flavor, ingredient, and finished product. In comparison to the vast number of projects that take place in the lab at any given time, this team is lean but mighty, made up of three members that oversee all of Imbibe’s orders. The last few months of the year can be a hectic time for any business and with Customer Service Week happening October 3-7, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show our appreciation for all that they do.  

Sally Sciborski has been with Imbibe since there were just a few employees (31 years this month!). As the Director of Customer Service, Sally manages the entire department, which handles all incoming POs, follow up on existing POs, and constantly communicate with customers about their orders. Coordination within the team to make sure all orders are in process until the order gets out the door is a strength of this team, as they have achieved a 95% success rate  in getting orders delivered on time on average from 2020-2022.   

TCOver the past few years, we’ve experienced growth in our team, our facilities, and our capabilities, but of course these triumphs have come with their own set of growing pains. Over the last two years, Imbibe has taken on a number of new international customers – which required extensive work from the team. Katie joined Trena (who has been with Imbibe for 6 years) and Sally to help manage thousands of customer-centric activities.   

Although the past few years have been hard, it has also been a time when connections have been made between us and our customers. “In such an email-driven time, getting to meet our customers via video call has been so nice. We have been able to see so many of the faces of the people that we have emailed with for years for the very first time over the past 2.5 years” stated Sciborski.  


We pride ourselves on keeping up constant collaboration within our HQ, and since Customer Service has eyes on every shipment, working with almost every team is crucial to their operations. Throughout the pandemic, much of their time was spent trying to counteract any supply chain issues that came about. Raw material and driver shortages were some of the biggest issues that led to more cross-functional communication. Working alongside the Flavor Operations, Quality, Pricing, and Accounting Teams daily have ensured that our customers are protected.   

Reduce your risk and stop your supply chain pain by e-mailing Our Customer Service team in combination with an extensive co-packing network and expert procurement department will support your growth throughout your product’s entire lifecycle.  

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