Imbibe will be closed on October 3, 4, 17, 18, 25, and 26. Please expect delays in responses during this time.

Protein powder products: Differentiating in a crowded market

As many as 86% of consumers are limiting sugar in their diets, according to Mintel.

“Sugar reduction is still a top priority for many consumers and therefore, many brands,” said Holly McHugh, Imbibe Inc., during her trends presentation in the sports nutrition workshop at SupplySide East trade show in April 2019. “As changes to the nutrition facts panel loom, brands are highlighting ‘no added sugars,’ in products, which will make it a top claim next year.”

She explained the main challenge for brands is that consumers still want a sweet flavor but less sugar, and many are avoiding artificial sweeteners and flavors. Stevia has become the leading alternative.

Read the full article in Natural Products Insider.

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Watermelon flavor has many characteristics including candied, ripe, green, or juicy, and Imbibe can help select or design the one best suited for your product.